"If I have seen further than others, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."
Isaac Newton
I am so incredibly grateful for the people in my life. Be sure to tell those who are the "strong shoulders" in your life how much they mean to you today!
An Excerpt from Choosing to See: How Miracles Carry Us Through To The Other Side of Grief
Claiming to be self-made is an untruth, for we all stand upon the shoulders of others. Maybe we’d like to think we are where we are because of what we alone have accomplished, but that is arrogant, so ego-driven, so exaggerated.
Parents and caregivers first teach trust and unconditional love through the bond of families. As our world enlarges, we learn more lessons by inviting and embracing new experiences through relationships outside our familial bonds. Our teachers, friends, employers, and clergy empower us to communicate, to listen, and to understand each other even if it means we agree to disagree. Marriage, loving each other's true self, is the ultimate connection; standing before one another stripped entirely of our earthly confines, discovering and truly knowing deep, unfathomable love. What mighty shoulders we stand upon!
Every encounter, every soul gifted to us, is like a pulsation of energy surging us into the purposeful direction where we need to travel. I am so grateful for the immeasurable love of those who hoisted me up to get me through and onward. God provides all that is good, and He has given me everything I need to heal from the loss of my husband. God provided for me the shoulders to support me as I trek through each aspect of my life.
God’s beautiful gifts, those miraculous souls, are like lily pads floating across a stream enabling me to warily step from one side of the bank to the other. One lily pad at a time, one moment at a time, until suddenly finding myself across.
I’ve been told that I am strong and that I have exemplified perseverance, but without the strong shoulders of those I stood upon and the arms that embraced me, I could have not continued. There was a time when I did not want to, but they, along with my faith, are the reasons I chose to see the miracles. My grief of losing Jim doused my fire to live, but my family, my Tribe, my teaching, and those gently planted acquaintances, reignited my passion and purpose for life once more. They are the kindling keeping my embers warm and my spark imminent. They are simply the truest miracles. Simplicity is the voice of God.
Nearing my sixth decade of living, I am able to glance back into the rearview mirror of my life and see the hand of God’s guidance that was so perfectly designed for me. I was never ever alone.
Peace to you all today.